
Wifiway 3.4

Imagen Wifiway 3.4
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Total votes: 4 votes
  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows 8

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 30, 2022

  • "Analyze the WiFi networks that interest you"

Wifiway is a set of indispensable tools for the analysis of WiFi networks.

This program is what is commonly known as LiveCD, an executable that you can save in any disk or USB memory to be launched in a computer.

Some of the essential tools included in this program are the following:
Aircrack, Wlandecrypter, Wepattack or Wireshark.

To use it you only have to download this application, which is an ISO file, and save it on a disk, USB memory or mount it on a virtual disk. If you can't do the latter, you can look for a program that will do it, there are lots of free programs that you will like.

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